2.Fasten these sheets of paper together with a clip, please.
3.I am enclosing my curriculum vitae together with my photograph.
4.The king (singular), together with two aides, is expected in an hour.
国王(单数) 和两个随从一小时内就到达 。
5.Grosz, together with John Heartfield, developed the technique of photomontage during this period.
6.Prismatic crystals of Natrolite on Analcime, forming an interesting cluster, Together with Hematite included Thomsonite.
7.Keyman always take concentrating, professional and responsible service idea to moving forward with you together!
8.Xu Nianci is a warm-hearted renowned educationalist of neodoxy, together with a publisher with remarkable achievements.
9.The soy sauce containing urea will become red when heated together with diacetyldioxime and phosphoric acid.
10.We will stand together with all the countries and people that love peace and uphold justice.
11.From Oct. 4th to 6th, deputy consul of Brazil, Mr. Galvo, together with his family, visited Gemsy.
12.Light and heat are sent off, together with heavy smoke, and soon only black charcoal is left.
光和随着浓烟一起发, 不久就只剩下黑色的木炭了。
13.The diagnosis of superficial acral fibromyxoma was made by the clinical and histopathological features, together with the immunostaining results.
14.Clean cuttlefishes and slice horizontally into small pieces. Blanch in hot water together with scallion, wine and ginger. Remove.
15.Its closest relative, however, is the Greenshank, together with which and the Spotted Redshank it forms a close-knit group.
16.By way of improving the superfinishing process,the appearance quality and surface roughness of steel balls,together with the productivity,were increased.
17.Together with the vacuum debubbling barrel, injecting and forming the debubbled mud with the air pressure in the vacuum debubbling barrel.
18.In copper electrolytic refining,high quality cathode copper can be produced by adding WHN1 together with suitable amount of gelatin and sulfocarbamide.
19.In the night Robert come back to Fransca's home with her , they let theirself go crowd together with soft music .
20.Hardy put the symbol art and the strength of tragedy the biography element the folklore and the romantism together with the realism.